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Friday, August 03, 2007

Toward the Terra episodes 14-17 ; Mononoke

We all know how much I rep Toward the Terra...

These latest episodes were so dramatic. Episodes 15 and 17 were so sad.
Concerning the former: What makes her death so sad... is that she was mistaken and assumed the worst. And later: That poor, poor planet. D:

The children were quite cool in episodes 15 and 16.

And 15-17= Omg! Yay! Blue.... Yay! Yay! ~freezes~ ~cries~ why? no, not him... ~sob~ Episode 17 being the crying part. D:

I really want them to be all... surprise! He's really ____. They better not have... D: ~where's that ice pick?~ XP

Please don't take my sexy, sexy... kthxbye.

Although he is not quite a replacement, the main guy from Mononoke is quite cute as well. The art made me want to run the other way initially but it is somewhat amusing. Almost didn't watch the episode but while flipping threw it, I went: "hey, cute guy. Ok. ~rewinds~"

Key notes of this episode:

1)~spinny, spinny, spinny...~
2)Scary obese child.
3)I always knew pregnancy makes you psycho.
4)Mmm... shiny psychedelic paper.

The second turn off of this show is the cliff hanger ending.. >.>; Some series it works for but this one is just annoying.

I'm going to give the show a shot though. If only for the sexy guy.... XP

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